Notice: Function register_sidebar was called incorrectly. No id was set in the arguments array for the "Sidebar 1" sidebar. Defaulting to "sidebar-1". Manually set the id to "sidebar-1" to silence this notice and keep existing sidebar content. Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added in version 4.2.0.) in /home/micke/public_html/cms/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6078 » 2011

Archive for the 2011 Category

Inskolning på dagis

Aug 25th, 2011 Posted in 08 - Augusti | Comments Off on Inskolning på dagis

Tiden går så fort; nu har Elias och Rasmus börjat inskolningen!









Aug 14th, 2011 Posted in 2011-sommar | Comments Off on Test


Testar från mobilen…

Tekniska museet

Mar 5th, 2011 Posted in 03-Mars | Comments Off on Tekniska museet

Ludde, pappa, mormor & morfar på Tekniska museet för att se Nasa-utsällningen.

Ludde, dad, grandma “mormor” and granddad “morfar” at the museum for technology and science to see the Nasa exhibition.

Bygger en raket/building a space ship

...och stampa så flyger den ända upp i taket!/...and step hard for liftoff up to the ceiling!

Här är bara mobilbilden, men fotografens riktiga bild var väl värd 55:- / This is just a cell phone pic, but the "real" photographer was well worth the money.

Roligast att prova själv! Most fun is to try yourself!

Roliga speglar Funny mirrors

Ludde och morfar snurrar till det. Ludde and granddad gets dizzy.

Var det bättre förr.......? "Good old days...?"

Vi har Skype hemma.... Yeah, we got Skype too...